Логотип РМАНПО

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
дополнительного профессионального образования

российская медицинская академия
непрерывного профессионального образования

министерства здравоохранения
российской федерации

Логотип РМАНПО


Российская медицинская академия
непрерывного профессионального образования

Минздрава России


Regional conference with international participation "Metabolic Health"

22 September 2023 a regional conference with international participation "Metabolic Health" was held in Vladivostok in a face-to-face format with an online broadcast, bringing together more than 1.5 thousand specialists from Russia and neighboring countries.

Broadcast recording

The Event was held within the framework of the XX Pacific Medical Congress and the UNESCO School "Metabolic Health and Obesity. Bioethical issues of knowledge management on metabolic health".

The scientific Organizers of the conference:
  • Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education

  • Faculty of Global Processes of Lomonosov Moscow State University

  • International Research Institute of Management Problems

  • UNESCO Chair for the Study of Global Problems of Lomonosov Moscow State University

  • CIS Executive Committee

  • Primorskiy Regional Center for Diabetes and Endocrine Diseases

  • Educational project for doctors Therapy school

Opening remarks: Rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dmitriy Sychev, the First Deputy Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States  Leonid Anfimov, Minister of Health of Primorskiy region, Anastasia Khudchenko, Chairmen of the program committee – Head of the Department of Endocrinology of RMANPO, MD, Professor Alexander Ametov, Head of the Association of Endocrinologists of Primorskiy region, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Morozova Alla.

The 15 reports were presented by scientists, clinicians, chief freelance specialists leading successful research, practical and teaching activities in research centers and universities in Russia and CIS countries. The WHO and UNESCO experts presented their views on the prevention of noncommunicable diseases, humanitarian approaches and ethical principles of UNESCO to improve human safety and quality of life, the role of metabolic health and its provision as a global problem in the world.

The conference "Metabolic Health" covered a wide range of topics relevant for doctors of various specialties: endocrinologists, therapists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, general practitioners, family doctors, and specialists in medical prevention, geriatricians, obstetricians and gynecologists, health care organizers.

The participants received certificates of graduation from the UNESCO School and the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education.

We invite you to participate in the events of the next "Metabolic Health", which will be held in 2023 in full-time format with online broadcast in the following cities:

  • 3 November 2023 - Kemerovo 

  • 24 November - Penza city, Russia

  • 1st December - Voronezh city, Russia

  • 8 December - Novosibirsk city, Russia